Monday, December 31

bye 2007...回顾07‘

Every year I would like to review back my life on last day of the year. 2007 for me was a year that full of challenging. 2007, is my first time I working as full time staff (Asist.Architect); The most number of countries I visited than before(China, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Poland, and the UK); The longest period didn't go back home; The first time study in oversea; and the most amount of money I have been spent ever before! Actually, 2007 is one of  the turning point in my life, I've been faced a lot of hard times, hard decisions and unbelievable changing in life. It just seem like open my mind to the world suddenly, and most of the dream become true. Nevertheless, I know I won't be stopped here and I can't as well. I do believe that 2008 is another more challenging year for me to move forward. 2008 is a great year for every one and I wish all of your dream coming true in 2008!   ~HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008~

每年的最后一天,我就会习惯性的回顾这一年的自己。每次我都会反问我自己:一年又过去了,我有在这一年里做过了什么吗?又有为我将来努力了什么? 然后我就会好好的反省过去的一年的大小事,想想接下来新的一年里我能够改进的方向。这也是我每年为自己庆祝过年的一个‘仪式’,也维持多年了。其实我知道未来发生什么事情谁也不知道,谁也不能控制;但我总相信有梦想,有努力,事竟成!努力后不能实现,我相信凡走过必留下痕迹,只要尝试过,就不会有遗憾。我常常告诉自己人生短短,并没有许多时间让我们去遗憾和浪费;身边的人事物都可能有渐去的一天,有些时光若不把握,将一去不回。有时我也会懒惰和颓废,也会失去方向,但当我听到床边的闹钟秒针一答一答的响时,就知道时间正在一秒一秒的流失中,我就会尝试振作起来。如果问我2008年有什么愿望,我会说:只希望我在2009年时不会对这一年有任何的遗憾!

Tuesday, December 25

Quiet Christmas...宁静的圣诞

This is a completely quiet Christmas day. That day in the morning, I looked out from my window , it is a sunny day; I looked down on the main street and it is unbelievable quiet........ no people, no buses, no cars, not even one shop is opened. Most of my friends was very curious about how fun the Christmas was in the UK, but every time they asking the question, my answer is always the same: "boring, boring and boring". It is really not that fun compare with Malaysia, actually it is a day for Christian to celebrate with their family and it is a common way the people celebrate it here. Anywhere, even-though it is the most boring Christmas in my life, but I am sure it was absolute the day that I can't forget forever.


Friday, December 21

Snow world...白色世界

white world
Oh, the real snow on my hand
Today is the first time in my life to see a snow. It is an unforgettable night and so amazing, the world turn all in white. Pure white every way from the street to the lamp pole. I have forgotten where am I now and it is so magical. Even I have been seen snow in some movies couple of times, but this time is real! I can touch the snow and feel it, I can see the snow falling down from the sky. Oh my god, I can't say how nice it was but it is really a lovely present to me before Christmas . 

12月21日是我人生中第一次看到真正的下雪,这种感觉真的毕生难忘。那一晚由于做Part time那儿出现了调动的错误,本来去工作的我却在半途中搭巴士回家。本想今晚有收入可是又临时说取消,算是可怜的一晚吧!既然回家也显得无聊,就打电话约一位老外朋友出来喝喝酒(在马来西亚就是我们所谓的喝茶)。今天天气也的确异常的冷,天空都是灰灰的。 晚上十点左右,当我们走出门外时,竟然发现整个世界好象变了;从走进来灰色的调调,成了白色世界。从马路,路灯,垃圾桶和停在马路边的汽车都被薄薄的雪花布上了一层白纱。我兴奋地用手轻轻抹了一层 雪,感觉就象非常幼细的爽身粉,粉粉冰冰的,太神奇了!在抬头往上看,在街灯照耀下闪闪发亮的雪花,象飘在空中的‘金粉’,徐徐落下;下雪的世界也真的太梦幻了!由于爱丁堡并不是常常下雪的地方,所以今晚这场短暂的白色世界,令这个古城里的人们异常的开心。我一个人走回家的路途中,一面象一个小孩似的,踢脚底的雪花,一面享受这爱丁堡提前送给我的圣诞礼物。。。

Before Christmas...圣诞前夕

For somebody before christmas is so exciting, but for me this time before christmas is so boring. Most of my friends went back to their home town, especially Amo friends; Malaysian friends some of them go to travel and some of them went back to Malaysia as well. For me, now I am a lone in Edinburgh. Working part time during weekend, doing assignment during weekday. Four walls in my room is the only world to me during this Christmas season. Now i know, Christmas in the place that closer to Santa Claus is not really exciting, I rather than have my Christmas time with my lovely family and friends from Malaysia.....

Wednesday, December 19

Amo's work...老外作品

Long time no see everybody  loh!
           A drawing that produced by my course-mate
Final year model
Final year model
Final year site model

I became very stress now after I visit the final year student's project. It is so amazing! I still need to push myself to that level but it is really not easy. Frankly, I still do not know how to achieve that kind of level in the moment because it is true that I have a big gap with them in term of studio work. I think I good enough in architectural drawing but Amo keen to present with model and model is almost everything here. No body will blame you because you did not put scale or north point in your drawings but their will cut your mark because you can't present a good model. Alamak! It such a great challenge to me. You all know I am not talent in doing models and my work-man ship is terrible lah. 

Sunday, December 9

Presentation 1

My model: use radio as a raw material
My presentation board: arranged base on my design concept
Presentation: wahhhh....many amo listen to Axxu's bullshit

The five weeks work finally presented, this was my first proper presentation on my studio work. Actually, I was felt very nervous when I'm presented in front of many Amo. They take presentation very seriously and most of Amo present very well and hebat! Some of them just present their models, some of them used animation to present and he just sit back to watch his presentation with us. Their models are fantastic and unthinkable,some of them used bags, furniture, chairs, guitar or wax to do their models. They do have many funny ideas in their projects, collect water one, projector house, fishing house and so on....... We do not have any restriction in the project so we can choose wherever site we wanted, whoever client we imagined, and whatever presentation methods you liked. Even the presentation time and date was chosen by ourself. It is so awesome! But in other where it was too hard for us to find a right direction for our project, it might came out nothing in the end of the day. It did happened where many people could not manage to finish their work of the presentation. Please don't thinks the tutors all are nice people, some of them are bad, they will stop you from talking and ask you a question straightly, and just shooting you directly. Anywhere, my presentation get a good response from most of them. But don't happy too early, normally amo like to give you a very nice and polite face in front of you, but when come to marking you never ever can predict what will going on......They very serious in their job and profession, it is the most danger situation here indeed.

第一次在这样多老外面前做呈现真不习惯。文化不同就是不同,这里乱讲也需要技巧。我知道我的Axxu's language苦了他们, 他们的老外英文也苦了我耶。这场呈现真的不知所措,看着老外朋友做出一批批惊人的模型,概念,真的自叹不如呀!在马大时,我都非常了解讲师们的心理,知道他们喜欢听的东西,都尽可能控制局面。但初到远在英国的这里,就连来评我的人我都不知他从那儿来,更不用说了解其他了。我也不知道我说用的词句对他们来说是否能接受或是不礼貌,或有得罪的地方?有些词语或肢体语言在马来西亚很正常而在这儿可能是会让人觉的不舒服。但也有时候他们觉的很平常的词语,但在我们听来却回有误会;如他们讲:what a shame you make this meaningless model! 我听起来真的很不舒服,觉的有被羞辱的感觉,但一问之下才知道what a shame 在这里并不是羞耻的意思而是How pity you are...带有同情或可惜的意思。短短的一句话就包藏着不同的理解,更可能会造成误会。所以,有时只要他们问到一些出其不意的问题,我就不敢乱乱回答了,到最后我就乱了阵脚。知已不知彼,不战就输了。得了着一次的经验,我得下多点功夫学好更好水准的呈现方法。原来最后交功课这一天并不是结束,而是一切的开始。

Friday, December 7

小马 对 大马

有一位远在新加坡念法学系的学长在他的布格落里提到,他在新加坡被中国的朋友称:小马哥。而我在英国这里中国的朋友都叫我:小马。 从小到大我只知道我们的国家称大马,听到他们叫小马总觉的有点怪,但其实若他们叫我们为大马也更怪了,中国国土那么大,人口那么多;马来西亚在他们的眼里也就理所当然的‘小马’了,我也就这样在国外成了小马的代表。

实力二,我们有强大的适应能力。身为马来西亚人,我们从小就接触到不同种族,不同语言和不同文化。在这里我们能够跟中国朋友谈三国演义;更香港人谈tvb,王菲;和老外谈west life, spice girl. 



Friday, November 30

UK's climate...天气篇

Many friends asking me what the differences between the UK and Malaysia. Indeed, this sort of question is not easy to answer with single words because it is two different worlds. However, I would like to share with you partly by partly about the differences that I've discovered.

The UK's Climate:
The most dramatic changing in my life here is the cold climate. The average climate in the UK is low and windy. In fact, my place Edinburgh is considering the nicest climate in the UK but not for me. Now the temperature is around 10 degree, at night it can be dropped to 1 or -2 degree. Please don't think the cold climate is good, it will bring a lot of problems when you are taking bath, going out side, clothing, and even sleeping. Here, you have to protect yourself from the bad cold weather properly, if not someone will really die because of the climate. And the sunlight here is very short, the sun will say “bye bye” with you after 4pm. The heater is the new thing for me, it just like air-corn in Malaysia, but you need to lean how to use it properly, if open it too long it will cost you an unbelievable electricity bills, if it not open in right time, you will felt cold all a day long. In Malaysia the climate is nice and suit to our human life. Even some people said the weather is hot lah or humid, but you won't be die because of the Malaysia's weather. You can go any time, anywhere you like, that why many Mamak is open 24 hours.....but not in the UK, the latest Pubs are closed at 2am. And every time I go out I have to wear 3 to 5 layers cloths, so if I take 1 min to change my cloth in Malaysia I have to spend 5 mins here before I go out , and take another time to taking out one by one after I come back. 


Saturday, November 24

Harnham Monastry...英国佛寺

今天一大清早7点钟我们一行人就准备出发去Newcastle, 目的地是一间佛寺-Harnham Monastry。 这是一个寒冷的早上,一路上只见迷迷的雾,就象在天堂。不时,我们经过一些小镇,不时又经过清油的农场;穿过山谷,又经过了树林;两个小时后,我们终于到达了一个小乡村。那佛教道场就在山丘上,高处望下,四周只是蒙蒙胧胧一片。这里就象世外桃源,远离红尘的圣地。但,天气却非常非常冷。



Thursday, November 22

Design Project...设计作业

I would like to share with you my first individual design project in the UK, a house for a historian in Warsaw. This project with be completed on 5th of Dec, it is mean I have to rush it for my presentation. Actually, I still blur blur what kind of presentation I going to do. I really not familiar what kind of material that I can get it here and most important is how to find a cheaper material. Here is not like Malaysia that I can find any materials in my mind or what I wanted, so it is quit difficult for me to search possible material in this strange environment . Alamak....I still thinking and thinking!

Massing study with Skecthup
Site model- I used all recycle materials to do it, nothing were paid for the site model 

conceptual model-my building was build in the between two different periods style architecture, and the design was intend to link up the two buildings

Sunday, November 18

Part time...打工咯!

Crazy Scottish fans- BBC news

I am have had working two jobs in this week. Two jobs that totally extreme different kinds of job. The first job is easy and gain high salary: I was became an surveyor in a fire alarm consultant company. The task was stand on one of the fire escape in a building, and then their rang the fire bell, and what i did was observed how the people emerge out and how many people came out from the door,lastly I have to write a short report to describe it. It just take me one and half hour and they paid me £30(RM 210); However, the second job in the same week was as a waiter in a stadium. The task was to serve the football cup VIP, Scotland VS Italy in Europe cup(when Scotland get in a goal, I can felt the whole building shaken!). The work started at 1pm until night time 9pm. No break and hard work, serve foods, cleaning stuff, move table, collect rubbishes and so on. It is really exhausted job, I was worked continually eight hours. But this job was paid £5.50 per hour. It mean eight hours work equalize to £44 (RM 300). You can see how different between this two jobs? Easy and high paid, another is hard work and low paid. Anyway, I was felt very enjoyable to work both kind of jobs. It is undeniable that working can help me to earn some pocket money to let me eat some better foods and buy better materials for my studio work. Even the waiter job is tired and difficult, but I am very happy to do that because I can meet people from all around the world (Poland, England,China, India, Switzerland and so on) and from different background and ages.

At least the job let me learn to do something that I never ever do in Malaysia. This is my first time to be a waiter in my life. By the way, after I finished the waiter job,the manager might like my attitude and my effort; He offer me a job and ask me to join their company in the spot. He write down his phone and address immediately and ask me to go to interview next week with my CV. Haha....I am so lucky!


Friday, November 16

Western Education....西方教育

The western education culture is teaching you nothing. In studio, their won't tell you what you going to do like UM, for instance UM lecturer will ask you this week has to come out a floor plan, next week has to come out a scale 1: 100 section and next following week has to do perspective and so on. Here, they just distribute the brief and that 's it. The tutor just come to studio once of a week and meet you individually, half an hour for each student. Just present to them what ever you want to present, it is totally up to you! And the rest of the time you do work of yourself, no guide no instruction and no limitation. This is the secret of the successful education in western countries: it's teaching you nothing!
P/s: The latest world University ranking: Edinburgh University has move forward to 22nd rank in the world and 5th best University in the UK. Congratulation.

西方学生的独立性很强,教育制度自由性也很高。我们受东方教育的学生依赖性比较强,很多时候我们都会问老师有给什么指示或要求吗?由于这里讲师并不会理你,每星期只有一天见讲师,也只是短短的半小时。其余时间都是自己做研究,他们也不会管你做什么。我曾经问不同的讲师:What I have to do for this project? Any requirement for the submission? 他们都会讲一句:Do what ever you like! 这就是他们教书的方法,就是什么都不教,由你去发挥,去创作。但他们能够非常耐性的听你的意见,然后给你建议。最后,他们还喜欢讲一句:well done! 因此,工作室里所有的同学们都做着个别不同的设计,差异非常大。在这里,他们也不会每个星期给你分数,就好象没有分数这个概念,只要你投入去做,享受过程就行了。他们做课业也不会为了分数而去做,讲师也不会用分数来威胁你,也不会把分数挂在嘴边。教育本身就是教人并不是教分数,着一点我们东方社会就比较执着。所以没有所谓的外来压力和逼迫,只有自己的动力。他们也不会管你来不来学校或上课,我到至今为止还未签过任何的出席名单。在这里,若你自发性不强,便可能会在这儿虚度光阴,因为没有人会管你的屁事,你要为你自己负责任,这就是西方教育。西方能有那么多优秀的学校,一定有它的原因所在。

Sunday, November 11

How are you Malaysia...马来西亚怎么啦?

Can we see this picture in a local media?

40,000 or 4,000? Local media please don't lie!

The week I read a report from Malaysia said have 40,000 people demonstrate in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. The people ask were asking to change the election system more clean and fair situation. I love my home land, I proud of those who brave to attend the meeting; Malaysian are very peacefully people, we do not fight, but what happened today it is because we do not have others choices to voice up our request. The government push us to the limit, we don't want to march on the street if we have choices to discuss how to improve our country. But, the answer is No.

We can see that what happen this couple of years in Malaysia was: our University ranking is going down and down every year, UM for this year was out of 200; Our local item price was become higher and higher, how much for a cup of coffee today? Our international investment from oversea is decreased and decreased every year, how many companies has move to Vietnam or China? And finally our image in the international stage was become worst and worst. Who are the one who have to safe our country? Not American or British! It is ourselves, all the MALAYSIANs who have been lived in this country;the land that we growth up together. The land that built by our grand parents, our brothers and sisters and friends;The land that ours children will born, played and studied. 

If you are from Malaysia, please don't give up our country, please give any support that you can to chance our lovely homeland to get a better future.


最令我觉的羞耻和生气的是我们每天面对本地媒体,尤其是主流的媒体。对于这次的事件,他们都选择做政府的口舌:有的不把正确的人数报道出来,有的不把看到人群的照片登出来,有些夸大报导负面的消息,说什么示威阻碍交通,请问40,000人民为我国争取一个公正的未来不会比在星期六阻碍一条街那几个小时来的重要?(反正我们平时也都习惯在马路上塞两三个小时)更可恶的是TV3当天新闻并没有做一丝的报导,其他国营媒体更不用说了。反而巫统大会连多少人出席都做了详细的报道(,10日的BERITA BULLETIN)还当众播党的歌。可怜的我们,不知被这些媒体欺骗了多少岁月?


Saturday, November 10

Daylight saving time...天昏地暗

Every last Sunday of October, the European Union will adjust the clock one hour backward. It make the morning have less sunlight but more in the afternoon.In fact, this is the first time that experience this kind of adjustment. It make me very confused, and I have to remember Malaysia time in the same time and have to use to the day lighting in the winter. The first two weeks, I have done a lot of wrong things because of wrong timing, for instance late to meeting, or too early to get to class, and some time sleep very early unconcernedly.

Thursday, November 1

Poland is not a nice place to go!别来波兰

People in Warsaw

Modern shopping mall in Warsaw

The tram
Poland is not a visitor welcoming country. Most of them can't speak English and not polite. I have many unhappy experiences in Poland's capital -- Warsaw. They do not have proper policy to protect visitor and the transport system is terrible. I have fined 70 dollar (appox RM105) in the tram station. On that day, I taken a tram to go back to my hostel, in half way, there is a ticket checker came to me and ask me show ticket. I shown to them and they said my ticket is non-valid because the discounted ticket only for international student. I've showed my University card to prove myself as an international student, but they don't accept that. I said if i can't buy this ticket why your company sold it to me? and there are only have Polish on the ticket, how do I check the ticket myself? They just asked me to get out from the tram, and fine me 70 dollars. I said I don't have enough money to pay that, and then they bring me to ATM machine to take money. I just feel shame and insulted. They have abuse their power and not respect my personal right. This is only one of the bad things happened in Warsaw, it does has a lot of stories.  I just wanna to advise all my dear friends: If you don't have any important thing to do here like won a million dollars, please do not come here! 


Sunday, October 28

Poland trip...22 Oct to 2 Nov

Third days:

Second day : Today we went to the Warsaw Socialist town, it created during the Socialist Government. However, Poland is not longer a communist country anymore, the building just become a memorial for the people. 波兰留了许多二战后共产主义的建筑。虽然今天波兰已是一个资产主义国家,但那充满苏联味道的建筑依然丛立如初。在新旧建筑互相交替之下,波兰城市显得求变心切。这从战争废墟中从新建立的城市,波兰民族不屈不挠的精神让我非常敬佩,感动。其实,我们真的不容易了解他们正真的感受;一群被历史开了许多玩笑的民族,只有无奈地接受历史,忍痛地一次一次把家园从战争中建立起来。

First day in Warsaw: This city was very famous during the two World Wars. During the World War II, 85% building of the city destroyed and more 70% population killed. However, the city still alive after the war and she become bigger and stronger, the spirit of the Warsaw people never die. I fell very amazing that the people able to reconstruct and settle again in this destroyed city 60 years ago. The war have been bring a tremendous harmful experiences for the people, but in the same time, it show how brave and strong the Warsaw people are for their country. In fact, it was very cold here, just around 0 to 5 degree, and the food here not really tasty. Anyway, it is a very historical city for us to explore and studied.

Monday, October 22

Nice Land Lady...包租婆

Today my landlady came to visit us in the flat. You might feel unbelievable, she is a Malaysian that same hometown as me, Ipoh as well. The UK is so big but in the end I stay in a Malaysian owner house. She is a very nice landlady, she brought me to a Malaysian restaurant here and treated me Malaysian Laksa, Chao Gui Tiao, and Roti Canai as well. This is my first time to have Malaysian food in Edinburgh. The restaurant is very 'Malaysian', even the song in there is what we always hear in Malaysia. It make me so home sick! Beside, she taugh me a lot of living skills here. She said she very understand my situation now just like what she just arrived here many years ago. She also brought me a lot of foods before she leave. 在那么遥远的地方,我竟然巧合地找到马来西亚的包租婆,真的想不到。她也是来着怡保,十年前到来这个地方。她带我去马来西亚餐厅吃许多马来西亚食物。配上我耳熟能详周华健的歌,想家的念头突然涌上来了。看到所有眼前熟悉的食物,品尝着熟悉的味道,听着熟悉的歌曲,真的以为我就只身在家了 。可是回过神来,又无可奈何地知道家离我很远很远。不知何时何日我才能在家吃着抄果条,听周华键的歌呢?

My landlady--Mrs.Lim

Saturday, October 20

Selamat Hari Raya...聚餐

Today our EMSA (Edinburgh Malaysian Association) was hold a Hari Raya open house in school's hall. It is amazing to celebrate Hari Raya out of Malaysia, and it was felt good to meet many Malaysians in the hall. At last, I wish all the Muslims in Malaysia happy Hari Raya. 爱丁堡马来西亚学生联谊会今天举行开斋节庆典,除了要祝福所有回教徒外,最重要是他们准备了很多马来西亚食物。哈哈,今天我的午餐不用烦啦!
This was the hall that we have our open house

a lot of Malaysian food, niceeee!
Membaca doa dalam dewan university

Thursday, October 18

Concrete Workshop... studio 1

Take a break in lunch time
Our work and my team mate

The workshop was to use fabric as a form casting material for concrete. It is interesting to cast the concrete with the material that able to shape many possibilities & organic form; The most challenge for the project was to understand well the characteristic of the material such as different type of fabrics and concrete, second was to control in shaping the concrete such as frame and form works. Anyway, I have learnt a lot of crafting skills in this project such like how to use all the hardware devices, machines & material as well. This kind of construction method will give the concrete casting a new idea and borderline to explore in design of walls, columns, or beams. By the way we will have the final review 2 weeks later and today we consider done the last final cast.

Saturday, October 13

Friday simple life...简单生活

Time passing slowly and slowly. One week again in Edinburgh. Since I have settled down and my life just like store in a programme. I just almost repeat it everyday or weekly,it is systematic. The diary life here is very simple, nothing amazing or spacial, just keep working hard in learning and living, but it is very meaningful to me; at least I really know how to face the truth and myself, as we known : Less is more... 好久没过这样规矩的平淡生活了,这里并没有所谓的紧张,也没有精彩绝伦;只有学习和普通生活。但对我来说意义非凡,感觉这生活很如实,真正地面对着自己的生活。睡觉,饮食,上学,洗衣,打扫。。。生活不是就那么的简单吗?

Sunday, October 7

Trip to Glasgow...旅游篇1

12 stories high Cinema
Street performer - who are we?
Glasgow most happening street-Buchanan district

Yesterday, I went to Glasgow to visit my old friend who been working at TRHY. The city located the biggest city in Scotland. Very contrast with Edinburgh, here crowed with many people,many cars,business centers and noisy. No really has big different with Kuala Lumpur in term of city sense; modern building, branded shopping shop,pollution, 'samsing' and etc. Big city away hide her own identity to the back street. The main street like a performance stage, and everyone look each other just like looking at a performed actor.Haha... There are nothing truth on the street. But undoubtedly,the street can be belong to anyone who walk on it.