Monday, December 31

bye 2007...回顾07‘

Every year I would like to review back my life on last day of the year. 2007 for me was a year that full of challenging. 2007, is my first time I working as full time staff (Asist.Architect); The most number of countries I visited than before(China, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Poland, and the UK); The longest period didn't go back home; The first time study in oversea; and the most amount of money I have been spent ever before! Actually, 2007 is one of  the turning point in my life, I've been faced a lot of hard times, hard decisions and unbelievable changing in life. It just seem like open my mind to the world suddenly, and most of the dream become true. Nevertheless, I know I won't be stopped here and I can't as well. I do believe that 2008 is another more challenging year for me to move forward. 2008 is a great year for every one and I wish all of your dream coming true in 2008!   ~HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008~

每年的最后一天,我就会习惯性的回顾这一年的自己。每次我都会反问我自己:一年又过去了,我有在这一年里做过了什么吗?又有为我将来努力了什么? 然后我就会好好的反省过去的一年的大小事,想想接下来新的一年里我能够改进的方向。这也是我每年为自己庆祝过年的一个‘仪式’,也维持多年了。其实我知道未来发生什么事情谁也不知道,谁也不能控制;但我总相信有梦想,有努力,事竟成!努力后不能实现,我相信凡走过必留下痕迹,只要尝试过,就不会有遗憾。我常常告诉自己人生短短,并没有许多时间让我们去遗憾和浪费;身边的人事物都可能有渐去的一天,有些时光若不把握,将一去不回。有时我也会懒惰和颓废,也会失去方向,但当我听到床边的闹钟秒针一答一答的响时,就知道时间正在一秒一秒的流失中,我就会尝试振作起来。如果问我2008年有什么愿望,我会说:只希望我在2009年时不会对这一年有任何的遗憾!

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