Friday, November 30

UK's climate...天气篇

Many friends asking me what the differences between the UK and Malaysia. Indeed, this sort of question is not easy to answer with single words because it is two different worlds. However, I would like to share with you partly by partly about the differences that I've discovered.

The UK's Climate:
The most dramatic changing in my life here is the cold climate. The average climate in the UK is low and windy. In fact, my place Edinburgh is considering the nicest climate in the UK but not for me. Now the temperature is around 10 degree, at night it can be dropped to 1 or -2 degree. Please don't think the cold climate is good, it will bring a lot of problems when you are taking bath, going out side, clothing, and even sleeping. Here, you have to protect yourself from the bad cold weather properly, if not someone will really die because of the climate. And the sunlight here is very short, the sun will say “bye bye” with you after 4pm. The heater is the new thing for me, it just like air-corn in Malaysia, but you need to lean how to use it properly, if open it too long it will cost you an unbelievable electricity bills, if it not open in right time, you will felt cold all a day long. In Malaysia the climate is nice and suit to our human life. Even some people said the weather is hot lah or humid, but you won't be die because of the Malaysia's weather. You can go any time, anywhere you like, that why many Mamak is open 24 hours.....but not in the UK, the latest Pubs are closed at 2am. And every time I go out I have to wear 3 to 5 layers cloths, so if I take 1 min to change my cloth in Malaysia I have to spend 5 mins here before I go out , and take another time to taking out one by one after I come back. 


Saturday, November 24

Harnham Monastry...英国佛寺

今天一大清早7点钟我们一行人就准备出发去Newcastle, 目的地是一间佛寺-Harnham Monastry。 这是一个寒冷的早上,一路上只见迷迷的雾,就象在天堂。不时,我们经过一些小镇,不时又经过清油的农场;穿过山谷,又经过了树林;两个小时后,我们终于到达了一个小乡村。那佛教道场就在山丘上,高处望下,四周只是蒙蒙胧胧一片。这里就象世外桃源,远离红尘的圣地。但,天气却非常非常冷。



Thursday, November 22

Design Project...设计作业

I would like to share with you my first individual design project in the UK, a house for a historian in Warsaw. This project with be completed on 5th of Dec, it is mean I have to rush it for my presentation. Actually, I still blur blur what kind of presentation I going to do. I really not familiar what kind of material that I can get it here and most important is how to find a cheaper material. Here is not like Malaysia that I can find any materials in my mind or what I wanted, so it is quit difficult for me to search possible material in this strange environment . Alamak....I still thinking and thinking!

Massing study with Skecthup
Site model- I used all recycle materials to do it, nothing were paid for the site model 

conceptual model-my building was build in the between two different periods style architecture, and the design was intend to link up the two buildings

Sunday, November 18

Part time...打工咯!

Crazy Scottish fans- BBC news

I am have had working two jobs in this week. Two jobs that totally extreme different kinds of job. The first job is easy and gain high salary: I was became an surveyor in a fire alarm consultant company. The task was stand on one of the fire escape in a building, and then their rang the fire bell, and what i did was observed how the people emerge out and how many people came out from the door,lastly I have to write a short report to describe it. It just take me one and half hour and they paid me £30(RM 210); However, the second job in the same week was as a waiter in a stadium. The task was to serve the football cup VIP, Scotland VS Italy in Europe cup(when Scotland get in a goal, I can felt the whole building shaken!). The work started at 1pm until night time 9pm. No break and hard work, serve foods, cleaning stuff, move table, collect rubbishes and so on. It is really exhausted job, I was worked continually eight hours. But this job was paid £5.50 per hour. It mean eight hours work equalize to £44 (RM 300). You can see how different between this two jobs? Easy and high paid, another is hard work and low paid. Anyway, I was felt very enjoyable to work both kind of jobs. It is undeniable that working can help me to earn some pocket money to let me eat some better foods and buy better materials for my studio work. Even the waiter job is tired and difficult, but I am very happy to do that because I can meet people from all around the world (Poland, England,China, India, Switzerland and so on) and from different background and ages.

At least the job let me learn to do something that I never ever do in Malaysia. This is my first time to be a waiter in my life. By the way, after I finished the waiter job,the manager might like my attitude and my effort; He offer me a job and ask me to join their company in the spot. He write down his phone and address immediately and ask me to go to interview next week with my CV. Haha....I am so lucky!


Friday, November 16

Western Education....西方教育

The western education culture is teaching you nothing. In studio, their won't tell you what you going to do like UM, for instance UM lecturer will ask you this week has to come out a floor plan, next week has to come out a scale 1: 100 section and next following week has to do perspective and so on. Here, they just distribute the brief and that 's it. The tutor just come to studio once of a week and meet you individually, half an hour for each student. Just present to them what ever you want to present, it is totally up to you! And the rest of the time you do work of yourself, no guide no instruction and no limitation. This is the secret of the successful education in western countries: it's teaching you nothing!
P/s: The latest world University ranking: Edinburgh University has move forward to 22nd rank in the world and 5th best University in the UK. Congratulation.

西方学生的独立性很强,教育制度自由性也很高。我们受东方教育的学生依赖性比较强,很多时候我们都会问老师有给什么指示或要求吗?由于这里讲师并不会理你,每星期只有一天见讲师,也只是短短的半小时。其余时间都是自己做研究,他们也不会管你做什么。我曾经问不同的讲师:What I have to do for this project? Any requirement for the submission? 他们都会讲一句:Do what ever you like! 这就是他们教书的方法,就是什么都不教,由你去发挥,去创作。但他们能够非常耐性的听你的意见,然后给你建议。最后,他们还喜欢讲一句:well done! 因此,工作室里所有的同学们都做着个别不同的设计,差异非常大。在这里,他们也不会每个星期给你分数,就好象没有分数这个概念,只要你投入去做,享受过程就行了。他们做课业也不会为了分数而去做,讲师也不会用分数来威胁你,也不会把分数挂在嘴边。教育本身就是教人并不是教分数,着一点我们东方社会就比较执着。所以没有所谓的外来压力和逼迫,只有自己的动力。他们也不会管你来不来学校或上课,我到至今为止还未签过任何的出席名单。在这里,若你自发性不强,便可能会在这儿虚度光阴,因为没有人会管你的屁事,你要为你自己负责任,这就是西方教育。西方能有那么多优秀的学校,一定有它的原因所在。

Sunday, November 11

How are you Malaysia...马来西亚怎么啦?

Can we see this picture in a local media?

40,000 or 4,000? Local media please don't lie!

The week I read a report from Malaysia said have 40,000 people demonstrate in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. The people ask were asking to change the election system more clean and fair situation. I love my home land, I proud of those who brave to attend the meeting; Malaysian are very peacefully people, we do not fight, but what happened today it is because we do not have others choices to voice up our request. The government push us to the limit, we don't want to march on the street if we have choices to discuss how to improve our country. But, the answer is No.

We can see that what happen this couple of years in Malaysia was: our University ranking is going down and down every year, UM for this year was out of 200; Our local item price was become higher and higher, how much for a cup of coffee today? Our international investment from oversea is decreased and decreased every year, how many companies has move to Vietnam or China? And finally our image in the international stage was become worst and worst. Who are the one who have to safe our country? Not American or British! It is ourselves, all the MALAYSIANs who have been lived in this country;the land that we growth up together. The land that built by our grand parents, our brothers and sisters and friends;The land that ours children will born, played and studied. 

If you are from Malaysia, please don't give up our country, please give any support that you can to chance our lovely homeland to get a better future.


最令我觉的羞耻和生气的是我们每天面对本地媒体,尤其是主流的媒体。对于这次的事件,他们都选择做政府的口舌:有的不把正确的人数报道出来,有的不把看到人群的照片登出来,有些夸大报导负面的消息,说什么示威阻碍交通,请问40,000人民为我国争取一个公正的未来不会比在星期六阻碍一条街那几个小时来的重要?(反正我们平时也都习惯在马路上塞两三个小时)更可恶的是TV3当天新闻并没有做一丝的报导,其他国营媒体更不用说了。反而巫统大会连多少人出席都做了详细的报道(,10日的BERITA BULLETIN)还当众播党的歌。可怜的我们,不知被这些媒体欺骗了多少岁月?


Saturday, November 10

Daylight saving time...天昏地暗

Every last Sunday of October, the European Union will adjust the clock one hour backward. It make the morning have less sunlight but more in the afternoon.In fact, this is the first time that experience this kind of adjustment. It make me very confused, and I have to remember Malaysia time in the same time and have to use to the day lighting in the winter. The first two weeks, I have done a lot of wrong things because of wrong timing, for instance late to meeting, or too early to get to class, and some time sleep very early unconcernedly.

Thursday, November 1

Poland is not a nice place to go!别来波兰

People in Warsaw

Modern shopping mall in Warsaw

The tram
Poland is not a visitor welcoming country. Most of them can't speak English and not polite. I have many unhappy experiences in Poland's capital -- Warsaw. They do not have proper policy to protect visitor and the transport system is terrible. I have fined 70 dollar (appox RM105) in the tram station. On that day, I taken a tram to go back to my hostel, in half way, there is a ticket checker came to me and ask me show ticket. I shown to them and they said my ticket is non-valid because the discounted ticket only for international student. I've showed my University card to prove myself as an international student, but they don't accept that. I said if i can't buy this ticket why your company sold it to me? and there are only have Polish on the ticket, how do I check the ticket myself? They just asked me to get out from the tram, and fine me 70 dollars. I said I don't have enough money to pay that, and then they bring me to ATM machine to take money. I just feel shame and insulted. They have abuse their power and not respect my personal right. This is only one of the bad things happened in Warsaw, it does has a lot of stories.  I just wanna to advise all my dear friends: If you don't have any important thing to do here like won a million dollars, please do not come here! 
