The five weeks work finally presented, this was my first proper presentation on my studio work. Actually, I was felt very nervous when I'm presented in front of many Amo. They take presentation very seriously and most of Amo present very well and hebat! Some of them just present their models, some of them used animation to present and he just sit back to watch his presentation with us. Their models are fantastic and unthinkable,some of them used bags, furniture, chairs, guitar or wax to do their models. They do have many funny ideas in their projects, collect water one, projector house, fishing house and so on....... We do not have any restriction in the project so we can choose wherever site we wanted, whoever client we imagined, and whatever presentation methods you liked. Even the presentation time and date was chosen by ourself. It is so awesome! But in other where it was too hard for us to find a right direction for our project, it might came out nothing in the end of the day. It did happened where many people could not manage to finish their work of the presentation. Please don't thinks the tutors all are nice people, some of them are bad, they will stop you from talking and ask you a question straightly, and just shooting you directly. Anywhere, my presentation get a good response from most of them. But don't happy too early, normally amo like to give you a very nice and polite face in front of you, but when come to marking you never ever can predict what will going on......They very serious in their job and profession, it is the most danger situation here indeed.
第一次在这样多老外面前做呈现真不习惯。文化不同就是不同,这里乱讲也需要技巧。我知道我的Axxu's language苦了他们, 他们的老外英文也苦了我耶。这场呈现真的不知所措,看着老外朋友做出一批批惊人的模型,概念,真的自叹不如呀!在马大时,我都非常了解讲师们的心理,知道他们喜欢听的东西,都尽可能控制局面。但初到远在英国的这里,就连来评我的人我都不知他从那儿来,更不用说了解其他了。我也不知道我说用的词句对他们来说是否能接受或是不礼貌,或有得罪的地方?有些词语或肢体语言在马来西亚很正常而在这儿可能是会让人觉的不舒服。但也有时候他们觉的很平常的词语,但在我们听来却回有误会;如他们讲:what a shame you make this meaningless model! 我听起来真的很不舒服,觉的有被羞辱的感觉,但一问之下才知道what a shame 在这里并不是羞耻的意思而是How pity you are...带有同情或可惜的意思。短短的一句话就包藏着不同的理解,更可能会造成误会。所以,有时只要他们问到一些出其不意的问题,我就不敢乱乱回答了,到最后我就乱了阵脚。知已不知彼,不战就输了。得了着一次的经验,我得下多点功夫学好更好水准的呈现方法。原来最后交功课这一天并不是结束,而是一切的开始。
axxu, nice presentation..
by the way, here's my new blog, see if u wanna buy anything special for ur fiancee for christmas or new year or cny or watever reason, support me ar!! hehe
Hey, Great job o...
It's nice to know that u can adapt to the environment and had so much fun there...
Make sure u take good care of yourself and keep us updated o...
Hi thank you, but it is stress now if you see amo's final year high standard man!
Hey... Great to hear from u!!!
Jia You!!
My future tower sure need your help oh... haha...
Take Care & Miss U!!
阿許!proud of you !
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