Monday, October 22

Nice Land Lady...包租婆

Today my landlady came to visit us in the flat. You might feel unbelievable, she is a Malaysian that same hometown as me, Ipoh as well. The UK is so big but in the end I stay in a Malaysian owner house. She is a very nice landlady, she brought me to a Malaysian restaurant here and treated me Malaysian Laksa, Chao Gui Tiao, and Roti Canai as well. This is my first time to have Malaysian food in Edinburgh. The restaurant is very 'Malaysian', even the song in there is what we always hear in Malaysia. It make me so home sick! Beside, she taugh me a lot of living skills here. She said she very understand my situation now just like what she just arrived here many years ago. She also brought me a lot of foods before she leave. 在那么遥远的地方,我竟然巧合地找到马来西亚的包租婆,真的想不到。她也是来着怡保,十年前到来这个地方。她带我去马来西亚餐厅吃许多马来西亚食物。配上我耳熟能详周华健的歌,想家的念头突然涌上来了。看到所有眼前熟悉的食物,品尝着熟悉的味道,听着熟悉的歌曲,真的以为我就只身在家了 。可是回过神来,又无可奈何地知道家离我很远很远。不知何时何日我才能在家吃着抄果条,听周华键的歌呢?

My landlady--Mrs.Lim

1 comment:

Zhao said...

pitty boy~