Friday, February 1

Mac came back...苹果回来啦

I have brought back my Apple today, but unfortunately all my dat gone!!!! My photos, my works, my documents, my contacts, my my my.........Now I know how dangerous it is for us to just keep all your eggs in a basket. Once its broken, all gone. In other way, I have purchased a 'girl friend' for my Apple----a HP pavilion dv2000. It is because I think the main problem of my Apple was too boring with no partner, and have to work all day. Hehe.... it is good now he got a partner(In fact I brought for my 'real' girl friend one, she coming here sooner :p). The spec is 1.6GHz, 2G RAM, however I found out that I forgot how to use window programme now since i have been using Mac for half and a year. For my friend who wanna to buy a laptop, I will still recommend you the fist choice is Macbook (even it is more expensive, but you really fall in love once you experience  it); the HP is fair, but one thing good is the designed body and the HP's software. As I say before, laptop is extremely important for me here, I can't live without them, but now I no longer to worry about it, because I have a big wife and a small wife now!

苹果呀,为什么你要这样对我呢? 为什么你病到要失忆呢? 我知道我平时对你是过分了点,要你工作20小时一天,但你也别这样病到这样严重要搞失忆呀!不知你现在还认得我吗?我是你的主人呐。哎!天呀,今天从ICU病房回来的苹果竟然变成了另外一个人,对以前的事情完全忘记了;对你,我是多么的心痛,竟然把我们曾经走过的回忆抹的一干二净。你知道我已为你买来一个同伴了吗?就是怕你寂寞,怕你孤单。它名字就HP小姐,毕业于Microsoft大学,Vista系的,虽然与你不同门户,但没办法呀,因为Apple毕业的小姐都很金贵,吊高来卖,穿的用的吃的都要‘真版货’,养不起呀;Microsoft毕业的虽然是土头土脑,麻烦了一点,但好在她的随便,吃用都不择,那里拿来的,不管正货假货照吃不误!功能又多样花多选择:做得又吃得,出得厅房,入得厨房,上得了床(别想歪!)给你娶这样的老婆,三生有幸啦!

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