Saturday, January 26

Rotten Apple...烂苹果

Rotten Apple! This is the second time it send back to medical checking since I bought it September last year. I can't live without the 'apple', my half life is inside the virtual world. I have been registered as a 'netizen' long time ago, most part of my life was living in the digital world. Now, I'm losing all my connection with friends, family and the whole world eventually. Since the apple taken by the technician this morning, my world is narrows back to four walls space. Sad! sad! sad! Mr. Steve Job, you said Apple is the best computer in this planet! Is that Edinburgh not included in this planet yet? Oh my god, the rotten apple is really annoying and dissapointing (but I still love it ):p May be I should tell this case to Bill Gate, I think collecting rotten apples is the happiest hobby that he does. Hahaha, Mr. Steve Job, I give you three days time to fix my apple, if not.......hehe, then I just wait lohhhhh.

真的是烂苹果,今天我的苹果电脑入厂了!电脑在英国是我的第二生命,它是我的伴侣,它是我的通讯部长,是电影院,是报纸,是字典,是作业,是世界之窗!没有了这粒苹果,我像失去了左右手,失去了伸展出我房间四面墙的时光机。非常糟糕,我是可以没有好的食物吃,但不能没有‘苹果’呀。虽然今天才是苹果离开我的第一晚,但我已失去三魂六魄,不知所措了。晚餐后没戏看,读书时没字典查,早上没有的打电话回家,没有MSN, Facebook, email和Skype, 可怜!我常说我们都活在两个世界:一个是我们现实的世界,一个是虚拟世界,现在看来我活在虚拟世界的时间比较多,尤其在离家乡八千里的爱丁堡。现实上我是离开家乡很远很远,但通过虚拟世界,家乡有像离我只有荧幕前的距离,虽不真实但至少带来少许的安慰。不管别人说虚拟世界会带给我们的只有幻想,但谁又知道里面又可能存在着我们内心里的真实呢?有时候我们真正开心的世界可能就在虚拟里找得到。现实中我们不能选择世界的面貌,但网络里我们可以随意漫游我们喜欢的地方。唉,不管如何,我的苹果烂了是事实,而这一篇部格落是借用朋友的电脑来完成的。希望我的苹果早日康复!

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