Tuesday, January 15

MCA Blogger...布格落政客

I just started my blog before I coming to the UK, the first intention was to record my journey toward here. Now, I found the blog have much more functions that I've thought; its not only a website that I keep contact with my old friends, and a space for me to share my experiences, in the same time its a space for me to know myself well. Blog is part of the record of our life, and sometime it would represent your personality and behavior. Therefore, I like to read others blogs when I have free time; and in fact it is very interesting that we can read so many different perspectives, opinions, and funny funny stories in different blogs. And recently I found a blog which is written by a MCA sate representative (in Chinese), it is so pity that he have  been scolded by people like shit in his blog, and it is so funny....hahahaha.....this is one of the good things in blog, we even can scold people which we can not do it in reality world, or we can see how stupid the politicians are in Malaysia as well. 

我是来英国前才开始写这个布格落,当初出发点非常单纯,只是为了能把我这趟的旅程纪录下来以能够和远方的朋友分享我的故事。但今天却让我发现布格落里有更多功能:它不只能分享我们的想法还能够看到自己的生活;所以我开始点阅朋友们的布格落来连系友谊,或者能进一步了解他们现在的生活。而我发现越来越多年轻的朋友都有阅读布格落的习惯,甚至有许多政治人物也开始写布格落来发表他们的伟论,林吉祥,黄泉安等等都是布格落的佼佼者。但是许多其他的政治人物也开始学人家写起布格落来,最明显的是许多马华议员都设立了本身的网站。可悲的是很多都是肚子里没有几滴墨水,有些不写还好,写了更暴露自己愚昧。今天我看了一个议员的布格落~强仔,我立刻吐血于电脑荧幕上 ,因为他的‘真诚’,所以显得他的天真。他真的非常可怜,差不多每一个留言都是被骂的,有些网友甚至不给面的骂他白痴(虽然我也觉得有一点),真的唔衰罗来衰!唉,我们‘可敬’的议员们,请你们高台贵手在议会里乱讲话就好,别在网络上没头没脑的让全世界华人见笑了。但无论如何我还是会欣赏你们的勇气和诚意,拿督们,加油吧!

“ 強仔 ” 部落格 ~ “ 志 ” 布格落网址:http://ybyip.blogspot.com  记得看网友们的’意见‘唷!

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