Friday, January 18


My first draft of mapping

The following content is under category 18 PL:

if you are not architecture student you won't know what I'm saying and will make your kepala 'Ong Ong' ; If you are architecture student you will more serious, might be will vomit blood because of wanna to find out what is it. The weeks I really fill trouble in reading Architecture Theory and do presentation on my site. Sometime, I am confused i am a philosopher or an architect? The first thing I have to due with is about mapping , just kind of site analysis. Not like UM, where site analysis is collect fact and data (like lamp poles, man hole, drainages, and TNB drawings) but here is do something you can't seen, can't touched, can't read......just can think it in my mind only! And the terms their used are so abstract like cloud on the sky. I would like to share some theories that I've learnt this week with you:

1. City can map it in a skill called RHIZOME; like happened to Little Hand of children, about purest: they kept on 'breaking his RHIZOME and BLOTCHING his MAP', setting it straight for him,blocking his every way out,until he began to desire his own shame and guilt,until they had rooted shame in him.  ??????? vomit blood once!
2."Drunkenness as a triumphant irruption of the plant in us." ????vomit blood twice!
3. Write, form a rhizome, increase your territory by deterritorialization extend the line of flight to the point where it becomes an abstract machine covering the entire plane of consistency???? no blood to vomit already!

Nevertheless I try to come out a draft of my presentation by this week which was the image above. I really felt pening kepala and I had insomnia this few days as well. All the philosophy was automatically coming out every time I sleeping. 


1 comment:

咖菲猫 said...

wei...i tak faham la..
dun use such deep language next time.
explain the theory nt dat deep la. plz...i wan to learn oso wa!