Sunday, January 13

Architect drama...建筑有情天

It is not familiar to have an Hong Kong drama storied on architects' background. Mostly, HK drama like to show drama about Doctors, Lawyers, police lah and even fire fighters; I don't know why, may be people thought architect do not have a strong identity to show? Not like doctor wearing white coat, lawyer wearing fake hair and all in black; Architect always has an weird impression to people, we don't have a formal dresses but most of us like to wear thicker glasses, bow tie, black shirt and stylish face look may be. And what we always do is draws, draws and draws! Seem like workaholic, over time workload, stubborn, and egotistic are stereotyped in Architect profession. Luckily, I found one HK drama which storied in architects, but sadly was its more interested in love story, anyway, I like the drama most and it is one of the rare dramas I able to finish from 1 to the End. In fact, Architects is a very interesting career because of the creativeness, challenging and the personal expression. Sometime we act as artist, sometime as a businessman, and sometimes like a academic, just depend of what you like to be and what you can to be! There are no only one answer in architecture world but most of the time we create the answer. 

在英国这段日子,一直以来都少看香港连续剧的我竟然成了是每天的娱乐,同时也让我发现到连续剧在我们空虚生命里的‘伟大’!一般上的感觉香港剧很少会提到建筑师这个职业,通常都喜欢以医生《妙手仁心》,律师《律政新人王》,《列火雄心》,什么飞上云天或ICAC....总之就少有关建筑师。但是说真的,建筑师这个题材不好做,一般人对它认识并不深。就象每当有人问祖母我是读什么的,她会说:“哦,我孙子是画工仔的。” 我的天呀!我们主要是做设计和规划的,任何建筑工程都会有建筑师在事前设计,我们是第一个下笔在那建筑的人。就象生‘孩子’的母亲:从纸上的第一笔,描绘,呈现,施工到它建成,那个过程是很震撼的;看着自己笔下的图实实在在地建立在这地球其中的一个角落,那是一种满足感。建筑师可说是给灵魂建筑的人,但是发展商(出钱的)肯定是给它出不出生的人。所以我们有很多精彩的画面多数在思考世界里,用形式上有时会难以表答。〈建筑有情天〉这套算是我第一次看到的建筑为题材的连续剧,内容轻松,是值得一看的小品(但我相信里面的爱情故事更吸引人)。戏里也让我们看到,建筑人与建筑人之间会有一份特殊情感,可以是大家对建筑的热诚,欣赏和语言;也可以是对建筑的坚持和斗争,更可以是对建筑的妒嫉与憎狠,这也是建筑吸引人的地方。同时也希望我们所有读建筑的朋友别轻易忘记:建筑是有社会责任的原则。


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