Saturday, January 19

long love...爱情长跑

Today a friend sent me a web site link about my senior wedding story. A senior who we have met up in University Malaya Buddhist Society. I am so impress of their wedding, it is so great and romantic. Their have been together since From 6 (you can read their love story in the web site), today, it is almost 8 years loh. Wah, really a long love journey, luckily their married in the end. Haha....after i read their web site, I think about my love story as well. Normally, I am not keen to reveal my love story in front of people; 1st is 'pai sei', 2nd is my 'stock' will be dropped dramatically; 3rd is my love is a very low profile. We have been together since after form 5 as well and both of us are the first partner of each other. And today we have been together seven and half years already, it is unbelievable a long love. It is not easy to keep a long relationship really, I also do not expect any kind of ending when I was engage with her; What I always say is we will appreciate every single moment while we still in love, we will love each other every moment while we still together, no need to worry the future or the past. I can not predict what will be happened tomorrow, but at least we have true love today. It's sound like very ideal right?? But I really do. Luckily, until today both of us still together even a lot of challenge we have to pass through. So, thanks to her passion and confidence on me and I would like to wish my senior has a nice married life forever. 

马大佛学会的学长,尤东伟结婚啦! 恭喜恭喜!又看到一个学长成家了,不知不觉我也到了这个成家的年龄层了。但有为什么人总是要结婚呢?(若这一问题被我妈发现了,我又会被捉去两个小时家训)我知道结婚是很多女生的一大梦想,是很多女生向往的;你知道为什么吗?哈哈,因为结婚的 ‘婚’ 是 ‘女’和‘昏’ 的结合(说到这里我一定又被许多‘女’朋友骂了)。维持一段长跑爱情都不简单了,要步入婚姻更需要勇气和信心,东伟和他的妻子都做到了,非常了不起!有一句话说:人一共有四次出生;第一次是从娘胎出世;第二次是初恋;第三次就是结婚;第四次是为人父母时。这四个阶段都是我们一生中最大的角色转变。每一个的转变就如刚出世的小孩,需要时间的耐性地从新学习起担演其角色。另一个角度看,每次的出生也就是提升我们责任的时候。对我来说还蛮压力的,我承认我现在还没有准备好。所以我都很佩服和欣赏步入婚姻组织家庭的情侣们,你们真棒!请别忘记结婚过后要好好加油‘做人’咯,记得为马来西亚社会做出人口比例的贡献哟。好,祝福天下有情人终成眷属。

尤东伟幸福网站(wedding web site link) :

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