Monday, February 25

My love...彩云来咯

My love has came over to Edinburgh last Saturday safely. She give up everything she has in Malaysia, sold out the business, leave her family and stay along with me. Some of my friends asking me why she wanna to come over here since it is harder to stay in the UK compare to Malaysia? Actually, the decision was decided  by both of us, i know it is really hard but i can't really know what the answer but one thing i would know was ' she is love me'.....Thank you la my love!

彩云来咯!她放下家乡的一切,离开温暖的家,远离亲爱的家人来这里‘千里寻夫’,是多么的伟大呀! 我们也要从新调整我们的生活,而我也提早结束单身的生活了。我可知道两个人的生活并不是一件简单的事情,若无一定的彼此协调,体谅,忍耐和关怀的话,生活上肯定会比想像中复杂的多。相爱并不是考验,同住才是真真的考验,考验着大家的对彼此的容忍,更考验着彼此的爱情;我想现在是考验我们的时候了。在生活上我们如何允许一个不是你自己个体的人融入在一起?我们如何去跟着一个不是自己想要就要的生活节奏去生活?这都是大学问大智慧。当然,我们俩都会一步一脚印去学习,最重要是尊重彼此的差异和个人空间。。。。


Suh Ching said...

Congrates to axxu and Cai Yun. Long time no see both of you! May you enjoy the life in UK. Growing up together is wonderful!

Unknown said...

Axxu, u so 'lomantik' la! hehe.. all the best!