Sunday, February 10

Lion Dance...年初三

Since I quite busy during this week for my project, I don't have any proper new year dinner yet. Finally, I call up my China friends to have a meal together today. We went to a Malaysia/Chinese restaurant (boss is from Malaysia but the foods is China style). Haha...this was my first Dim Sum in the UK, I miss it so long time. Certainly, a 'lion' jump out and 'Dong Dong Chiang' blaring in the restaurant. Yeah! I saw the lion dance in the UK! The surprise was the Lion dance teamed by amo. Brown hair, white skin but wearing kung fu shirts. Are they a western Sholin? Anyway, the Dim Sum today really memorable, at least the Chinese New Year ambience really enjoying me. Cheers!

年初三终于能够吃一餐像样的新年餐。由于最近比较忙,兜兜转转才能与班上几个中国朋友一起用餐(其实几个也就是两三个而已)。去了一间著名点心餐厅,叫了整十多笼的个式的点心,放纵地吃一顿新年餐。很久没有给自己不用担心看着价格牌点餐吃,但那里的价钱还是可以接受啦(£10 一个人)算是这样啦!间中还有舞师,咚咚锵。。。十磅就当着买个新年气氛回来咯。年初三,就是在这个充满新年气氛的餐厅里,和几个中国人谈中国文化历史和未来的发展来过了一个春节的中午。

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