Saturday, February 16

India legend...印度神话

Sammy Vellu who has been as a Minister for almost 30 years. He is the only Indian in Cabinet in last 30 years. He has 'contribute' a lot of great project for our country. The famous one is the lacking highway, lacking Parliament's roof and low quality hospital. He is one of the minister that most SOMBONG and pantai tipu! He tough he is a Lion Sungai Siput, but  how much thing he has done for the Indian society? How many Tamil school has been built? How does he improve the Indian education rate? For national wide, he has wasted a lot of Malaysian money to build something that no quality! Dr. M tukar, MCA tukar, GERAKAN pun sudah tukar, apa la lu? Masih tak mau henti?U yang saja Indian yang hebat di Malaysia ke? Indian need a fresh breath and fresh air. If you really love your people, let the more capable person to lead the community and society.

曾有一个故事说:有一天两个印度小孩去湖边玩,突然听到有人喊救命。他们俩就奋不顾身地跳进水里把那人救上来。那个人非常感激这小孩说:谢谢你们呀,你知道我是谁吗?我就是鼎鼎大名的Sammy Vellu,我是最有权力的印度人,你们有什么愿望尽管说,我一定帮你们实现的!” 那两个小孩听了吓了一跳,就转身商量要求些什么。他们谈了许久终于转回头跟Sammy很害怕地说:“只求一个忙,那就是别把我们救你的事告诉其他人,不然我们会打死。”   这个故事隐喻着民间是多么地狠他但又无可奈何呀!

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