Friday, May 16

Views toward working...上班八景

View 5 mins after walk 

Everyday now I have to walk 1km far, half an hour to working, and after 6pm I have to walk back 1km and another half an hour again to get back home. From my flat to the office i need to cross over  the biggest green fields in Edinburgh- Meadow Parks, pass through trees, grasses, stones and sometime dog's shits.

 Even my purpose to cross over the field is to get to work but it seem like i 'jogging' everyday morning before i arrive into office. I can imagine how healthier  and fit  i am after 4 months work. It is really no bad to work there since i can gain money and healthy, and more important is the eight nice views accompany me everyday i work :p



10 mins after....

15 mins after.....

18 mins after

20 mins after....

28 mins after...

30 mins after......

Done! Could you see my office!?


Alan said...

wish you all the best in ur job. take care :-)

Anonymous said...
