Thursday, May 1

Digital government...数码政府

Click for Dr.M's Blog

In Labour day our Ex-Prime Minister, Dr. M has opened his 1st post on his blog. The blogger world will be more and more interesting since a lot more politicians register as a member. If you checking up, the Malacca govnt. has blogs for every single MP(when the First Minister posted his racial statement about pig firm, over 1000 people wrote comments to him until he has to close the comment part :p ) ; many famous bloggers elected as a MPs in last election day like Jeff Ooi and Tonu Pua. It is not wrong to say that digital world became the an important political stage in our country. I dunno how the others world leaders digitize their govnt, but I believe Malaysia is one of the first country that bloggers play a very important role in politic, at least in Asia. I think digitized government will closer to people, at least people can put their view on comment column, not like conversational way that we have to give our MyCard to the guardhouse to register ourself then only can meet up the MPs. (Sometime you have to book appointment and not guarantee you can meet him/her because of their  'busyness') I hope one day people can involve in political issues not matter where they are, everyone has the same opportunity to speak up their view and concern to the govnt. If like that then another Malaysia Boleh loh!


让我们想像一下:未来我们每一个人无论你跟官爷们有关系与否你都能公平地通过网路来表达你的问题和意见;不像现在我们要见官时需要约时间啦,给生份证啦,有时还要看他们的脸色是否要接见你,而未来只要我们上网就随时随地的留口信给数码政府,他们也能随时随地的在网上发表政见。再想想,在全球化的的趋势下越来越多人民留学在外国,或者在国外工作,这对马来西亚来说一点都不陌生(因为马来西亚出名出口‘人才’给其他国家的)数码政府使我们无论身在何处 都能象在国内一样参政论政,一样发挥影响力。若人民能够在网路上监督政府的一举一动,那就真正的是‘以人民为本的政府’了。由于政府不能在利用本地媒体来蒙骗人民,网络的新闻是公开和独立的(正不正确不知道),所以政府也不敢轻举妄动,只要一被人发现任何弊端,新闻就可以通过网站传千里了。


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