Saturday, August 2

Large Hadron Collider..大型強子對撞器

Have you been hear about LHC? Actually it is a very complicated research and a very 'dangerous' experiment. Basically, LHC is a 27km long tunnel over-cross  Switzerland and France, collaborated with 2000 scientists from 34 countries and over 100 universities. The experience is to accelerate a unit of proton to a very very very.......high speed and crash to with another proton. The huge energy will form another energy such as 'black hole', an object which can destroy everything in the universal . Anyway, the scientist state that if the micro black whole created it can be neutralized it by Hawking radiation, but the thing is no body 100% ensure that Hawking radiation will work in expected way. In other word, this machine might brought to us the end of the world??? Somebody said that but I don't know. Anyway it will be one of the great experiment in human history.

你所看到的图并不是电影里面的Star War背景,而是LHC。LHC是集合了世界2000名科学家,多国的的资源和力量建造出来的巨大科学试验器。它能够把两个粒子反方向高速的碰撞,让后发生小爆炸,原理如同宇宙里的‘大爆炸’似的。在这试验里,可能会碰撞出我们还未发现的奇异物质,也可能巨大的碰撞导致产生巨大的力量和质量而出现‘微型黑洞’;试验也可以把我们现在所知的质量分析到最小的单位,可能最后的的物质单位是能量而已(如佛家说的色即是空,空即是色)。有许多人担心万一这试验碰撞出一种超出我们人类知识的危险物质或是空间,这样后果就不堪设想!也有人说微小黑洞能够把整个地球吸进去??究竟这些担心是真的吗?我们都不知道也不需要担心,为人类的求知欲和权利是使科学进步的泉源。无论如何,它的确在我们地球存在着,也倒数着它的试验日期:8月8号,(北京奥林匹克开幕同一天)

1 comment:

Mac Zeed said...

Woow awesome pictures, did you took them? I hope the experiment succeeds.