Monday, July 14

Axxu restored....我还原了

My long hair where had been keep it for 10 months and 11 days finally cut today. You know what are the differences after hair cut? I found there do have a lot of benefits  after cutting the hair, such like:

1. My head lost weight 300g than before, now i can move my head easier.
2. I can still see the road in front while strong wind blew.
3. I can hear the car 'hong' clearer, so now is safer on the road.
4. I can hear my hand phone louder 30%.
5. The hair dry 20 minutes faster than before, so i can sleep earlier.
6. The shampoo can save up to 30% 
7. Dandruff less 50%
8. Performance when playing squash up 70%
9. Save 50% time for early preparation before work.
10. Lastly, my handsome index increased at least 90% :p



Anonymous said...


Axxu said...

walao, older after cut the hair?? then i want to keep it long again!

Haha....take care Lian.