Monday, June 2

Da Vinci Code...密码之旅

Wow....The Da Vinci Code said this chapel is the place that protect the Holy Grail, is that true? In the end of the movie, Robert Langdon reveals Sophie Neveu as the Jesus's only posterity in the chamber of this church. 

Was the church really hiding the truth of the Christianity? Was the church really give us the crew about Holy Grail? I don't know. But they do have a pillar called "Princess Pillar" which written in Latin said: "Wine is strong, a king is stronger, women are stronger still, but truth conquers all"
Why it said women? Who are they? What they mean the truth conquers all?

一班中国的朋友邀请我去“密码之旅”,《达文西密码》里头其中一个关键的地方,罗斯林教堂。传说这里就是收藏‘圣杯’的地方,也是保存女人在基督教里头重大的秘密。就比如这间教堂里最令人好奇的一句在横梁的拉丁文 :(英译)"Wine is strong, a king is stronger, women are stronger still, but truth conquers all" 为什么是讲女人比较强?为什么说真理征服一切?女人和真理之间又存有什么的关系呢?

我本来想就亲自来这里看看,碰碰运气,看能否找到‘圣杯’,或者有能够在这里发现什么千年大秘密的,可是没成功!来的前一天我还特地把达文西密码再看一篇,学几招再来寻找秘密。哈哈,圣杯就没看到,大酒杯就有(我跟着当地人去做礼拜,有一环节是跪在神父前,然后他给我吃一个饼干,再喝一口葡萄酒,那个酒杯挺大的:p )



The most famous pillar in the church, The Apprentice Pillar. The master killed his student because the student crafted pillar was much more beautiful than him. His student died because of this beautiful pillar (only one among all the pillars)

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