Tuesday, June 24

Brave heart...苏格兰英雄

Brave Heart,a 
movie produced in 1995 acted and directed by Mil Gibson. In spite this film was old but i must watch it anyway, it is because the story was about Scottish history. I still remember when I was first arrived here, I saw a lot of figures or souvenirs of a man who face is half blue, long hair, wearing a kilt and holding a long sword, but i have no idea who was he. Haha...now i know, the figure is a Scott hero called Wallace. 

It is a really amazing movie and it let me understand more why the Scottish so hate the English:p And the interesting thing was almost all the actors in the movie spoken scott accent naturally beside the Hero.......hahaha......you know why? Because he  is form America lo, simply as that.



无论如何,这部戏里埋涵着苏格兰人爱自己民族的情操,自尊和自由的信仰。几百年来究竟多少人曾经为自己的自由付出了生命?多少的人曾经为自己爱的人流出了血和泪?我喜欢里面的一句对白:“每个人都会死,但不是每一个人都懂如何活。” 死是肯定的,但活着可以是意义重长,也可以是行尸走肉,我你懂的活吗??

p/s: watch the movie please click here


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Breave Heart is my best movie!!! I really like it !