Wednesday, June 11

Shenzhen new Airport...深圳新机场

Shenzhen New Air port

Shenzhen new airport design competition has won by a Rome-based Architect firm, Fuksas Architect. In other word, China will have another mega-project breaking the ground. We can notice that this project presented its great visionary, the design look arrogant,futuristic and iconic. It is the power of architecture, people will willing to pay tremendous money on a iconic building, no matter you like it or not, architecture in China being changing its cityscape. 

10 years later, I believe many city in China will shocking us with their fantastic architecture, for architects, it is a great time to explore their career, for government, it is a good time for them to show off; for the tycoons, it is a good time for them to invest the properties, but for ordinary people it nothing than the good time to 'look' at the great arrogant building. Anyway, building is belong to the owner but architecture is belong to everybody who appreciate it. 

深圳机场设计竞赛中,来自罗马的建筑事务所赢了这项目。换句话说,中国在未来10年又将多一个‘超级建筑’。如今中国各大城市都非常倾向于注目国际,充满理想和野心的建筑设计;当然,这也成为了诸多国际(不如说只来自西方)建筑大师理想的实验场,如Sir Norman Foster的北京机场,Hezog de Meron 的奥运‘鸟巢’ 和Rem Koolhaas的CCTV总部, 都是建筑界里响当当的人物。这是好还是坏呢?

美籍中国著名建筑师贝。律明,(巴黎罗浮宫的设计师)说到:“前卫的建筑设计在中国这样一个发展迅速的国家是非常需要的,这就如七八十年代的日本。但不同是日本出了一位Kenzo Tange但是中国却没有(Kenzo是日本八十年代大师级的建筑师。) 他还说道在中国这样高度学术被监视的国都里,的确很难训练出有创造性,大胆性和前卫的建筑师,而且现代建筑体系在中国也成立不久,还需时间来打好根基。”



Anonymous said...

Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.

Anonymous said...

Damu pa kmu to?.. Nano ni klase blog man?

Anonymous said...

This is a nice blog. I like it!