Saturday, September 29

Edinburgh detail...

The black bull bar
UK's cab
Edinburgh's castle
One of the hotels in city
Main street of the city
Street Art
Space bridge?

Wednesday, September 26

Appartment Detail...我的住所

This is a Scotland Pound, not UK's one
view toward my window
Improved recipe : Hot-dog+egg+Spaghetti +Instant Soup
my kitchen
my study place

The weather is really cold. Even the day time time the temperature  is around 10 degree Celsius. And I just settle my apartment, located at the main street, very noisy, because got a bus station there. However, the indoor environment is nice. Yeah, I have improve my cooking skill now (a litter bit lah) at least, I know put a soup on top of the spaghetti, but still with hot-dogs. This is the most wonderful meal that I can make here. In fact, I miss Malaysia food a lot! Malaysia may be is not a perfect country, but I strongly believe that Malaysia's food is the best in the earth and the moon. Wish all of you HAPPY MOON CAKE FESTIVAL!

Monday, September 24

My meal...我的食物

buy from mini-market: Hot-dogs + Source
cooking pot
every days meal: Hot dog + spaghetti

I not a good cooker, instead I never cook at home for last 25 years. In Edinburgh, I no idea what I going to cook for my daily meal. What I can cook is a very simple meals which is easy to cook and understood. I even don't know how to use kitchen's stuffs, it is too bad. However, the hot-dog + spaghetti was the first 'proper meal' I cooked in Edinburgh. But, I can tell you that the taste was really bad, only hot-dogs can be eaten. aiyo.... cooking is the most difficult thing in my world. 

Thursday, September 20

Scotland Museum

James Watt's steam engine
Foyer of the Royal museum
armor steel glove on my hand...
This is the place that I have my lunch every day

Today I visited the Royal Scotland Museum, it just opposite my school. The museum is huge and the design is amazing. Now I only know that engine inventor James Watt was born in Edinburgh. Suddenly, I feel very close with this great person, I stay in the same place with this great inventor that has been change the world.  The original engine modal still displayed in museum. In fact, these two days I only work in workshop which located at basement. The good thing todays was I found a pack of Maggie mee, hahaha...... today my dinner was the best ever, sausages, eggs, and Maggie in Tom Yam. This is the greatest food for me in Edinburgh. 

Mamak stall is a greatest invention in the world!

Architecture school
My dinner:三粒生熟蛋+面包
My dinner: 加多两粒熟蛋
Breakfast time: Breads + butter
This main problem I faced now is how to cook and what to eat. Price here is very expensive if convert to Ringgit. Today, I ate plums for my lunch, and evening I just taken 5 eggs as dinner. 一餐吃五粒蛋,真够力。但除了面包和蛋最便宜和现在的环境我所能之外,只好熬一傲咯。
虽然我对吃并不是很计较的人,但是还是非常想念Malaysia food, 便宜,方便又好吃。现在我想大声地告诉全世界说:mamak档是世上最伟大的发明!马来西亚的朋友请珍惜呀,还不快快去多吃一些?

Tuesday, September 18

First in Studio...去上学咯

University of Edinburgh 
staircase in my apartment

University of Edinburgh
The bridge in City Centre
Sun set of Edinburgh

我是我班上(MArch design) 唯一的亚洲人,又是一个人来,感觉怪怪的。还好,这里的人都很友善,很乐于助人。这里上课时间蛮自由的,课程也蛮有趣。The first project we going to do is not a design building project, but it is a WORKSHOP. The workshop ask us to do (not just design on paper) a structure modal with concrete. We have to cast concrete with fiber fabric. Their said: Building is a verb not a noun. 
By the way, here is very very cold, I have to cover my with many layers even when I sleep. 但是,这里的风景非常美,非常古典和浪漫。犹如现代人活在一个几百年的古城里,象Harry Potter一样。

The first day...第一天

个旅程并不简单,从KLIA to Singapore, than from Singapore to London, finally from London to Edinburgh. The trip taken almost 18 hours. 最长的一程是从Singapore to London,在那小小的机舱里做了13个小时。

在London check in 也花了将近两个小时,又脱鞋子又要看文件,非常花时间。过后,又要在机场里等三小时,哗,真要命!

我 第一落脚的排楼

Sunday, September 16

The day I departed...出发当天

This was an unforgettable day I ever been. My family took me to the KLCC, the time was running off gradually , I wanted to leave them very soon. Finally, time forced me to get in the gate, I just hugged each of my family members and kissed girlfriend, then get in the gate quickly. I don't dare to look back again, but I know my mum & girlfriend's eye was being tearing.  In same time, I hear my Dad shouting to remind me :TAKE CARE! I try to keep my tear, and take a deep breath;walk toward the custom. Now, my lonely journey begun....
           强忍眼泪,回头再望家人。 入闸前夕




Last day ...一天前


Friday, September 14

Last two days...最后两天


今晚,父母亲为我办了一个送行宴。 婆婆,外婆,叔叔舅舅,弟弟妹妹,等等都一起出席。大家都为我出国深造献上祝福。今朝一别,不知何日再聚,唯有把祝福带在身边,寂寞孤单时,回忆一下,感恩一下。

Thursday, September 13

Three days more...倒数三天

Today, I went back to all of my ex-schools. From secondary school to High schools. 走在非常熟悉的草场上,看着那长长的走廊勾起了无数的回忆。这几年,读过了大学做过了工,经过了许多喜怒爱乐;自己成长了不少,看事情也开阔了。一路走来跌跌撞撞和起起落落,总算走到人生另一阶段。今天在母校回首看回年少的自己,原来以前的我是对未来抱着许多梦想。当年SPM我得不到Bahasa Melayu credit时,心情是如何跌进谷底。使我被逼进入私人高中,一面应付STPM一面报考BM July Paper.那时侯的我跟本就不敢想上什么大学,只想先把马来文考好。

Wednesday, September 12

four days to go...四天前

Just received a call from the UK said that University can not give me any accommodation yet. 只剩下四天時間而已,都不知道要睡那兒。I have not idea what will be happened after I arrived; I don't know where will I stay during the first two nights? 但是,我現在的心情並沒有因此而担心。可能是一早前曾说过:无論将会发生什么问题,去到才算。选择去就不能再害怕什么了。就算害怕也不能做什么呀, 我只有勇敢地面对它而已,并无选择;一个人走的路,就要一个人去承担現在,我只想珍惜每一分钟与家人的時間。

去英国,我拥有了另一个充满精彩的世界,可是同一候,我也离开了一个温馨的家。虽然心中非常不舍得,但我知道nothing is perfect in this world. If I got somethings, I will lost somethings relatively. 要實現梦想,拥抱着世界,首先需要学习。牺牲是难以避免的,所以我一定要好好求学,不要辜负家人与朋友所给于的期望和祝福。

Tuesday, September 11

I believe I can fly....我相信我能飛翔
