Saturday, June 28

Edinburgh Zoo...动物园

This jaguar really know how to post to get a photo shoot!

What you will do with your partner when have a free Saturday? So boring to go to cinema or shopping? May be you can think something different like go to zoo. I and my girl friend dating in the Edinburgh zoo today, and we spent almost 3 hours there. In the zoo it may nothing romantic for a couple but it is really special and meaningfulness. Playing with penguins, take photo of posted jaguar and enjoy with the playful monkeys. How rare we are to have such opportunity to make contact with animals? If we do have time I would like to have more changes to spend time with those lovely animals.




See Cai Yun how to play with penguins

King penguins



Tuesday, June 24

Brave heart...苏格兰英雄

Brave Heart,a 
movie produced in 1995 acted and directed by Mil Gibson. In spite this film was old but i must watch it anyway, it is because the story was about Scottish history. I still remember when I was first arrived here, I saw a lot of figures or souvenirs of a man who face is half blue, long hair, wearing a kilt and holding a long sword, but i have no idea who was he. i know, the figure is a Scott hero called Wallace. 

It is a really amazing movie and it let me understand more why the Scottish so hate the English:p And the interesting thing was almost all the actors in the movie spoken scott accent naturally beside the know why? Because he  is form America lo, simply as that.



无论如何,这部戏里埋涵着苏格兰人爱自己民族的情操,自尊和自由的信仰。几百年来究竟多少人曾经为自己的自由付出了生命?多少的人曾经为自己爱的人流出了血和泪?我喜欢里面的一句对白:“每个人都会死,但不是每一个人都懂如何活。” 死是肯定的,但活着可以是意义重长,也可以是行尸走肉,我你懂的活吗??

p/s: watch the movie please click here

Saturday, June 21

Hit a pole...撞柱子

"Wah, it is a nice church"
"Why it look different with others church??"

Oh gosh!! %##&^*%%

My head hit a pole. After played basketball game, I was walking back toward to bus stop. On the way, a beautiful church was attracted my attention; I watching the church when I keep walking, suddenly a sound PANG!! and I felt very dizzy and numbness and pain. OH My Dear! I hit off the pole, it is so awkward , i can't believe that the thing which i thought only happened in movie really happened on me. My head started blooding and followed by my mouth and teeth. Now I know, what show on movie can really happened in our real life.

过程犹如电影情节,因为被教堂的建筑设计吸引,我把所有的注意力都关注在教堂那儿,但同时候我的脚一直前行。突然间,‘邦’一声眼前一黑,我撞上了前面的柱子。以我步行的速度和那柱子的硬度,这一撞非同凡‘响’。我的头开始很眩,头脑空白一片,然后就觉得很痛很痛。额头开始流血,然后嘴巴也开始流血,最后牙齿也流血了。哈哈,我真的没想到,这样完美的电影情节会活生生地发生在我身上。那时候我还跟我身边的朋友开玩笑说:“我和上帝的意见不和,看来他要惩罚我一下吧。。。哈哈哈” 朋友们,下次走路要小心哟,走路不带眼,很容易撞柱子的咯!

Thursday, June 19


The latest news reveal the political earth quake seem to be happened in Sabah sooner. What the problem, Sabah? Ohh.....I think the Sabah is not the problem, the UMNO is the problem. Let see Sabah contribute a large portion on petroleum and other natural sources, but how can us believe that Sabah is the most miskin negeri in Malaysia still? 

My friend who work as a journalist in Sabah told me that many children here couldn't get to school because of poorness. Many kampong still do not have basic facilities like electric, clean water and telephone. How can we believe that when you eating a hamburger in KLCC?

Federal government just like take all the resources away from Sabah but giving them nothing. Development in semenangjung improve year by year, education rate almost achieve 90% but have a look how the education rate in Sabah, even school is not enough, road is not well built. I think the way that federal government treat Sabah is not a political failure, but it is a crime.




Monday, June 16


My first flat mate who has been stay with for half an year was leaving me last month.与我共屋已久,感情深厚的西班牙朋友刚回国了。

When you leave your home, friends are become essential in your life. Here, I am out comer and I have no friend before I came; However, met a friend just like a journey, more road you pass through more things you will encounter. These fews day, my time have been busy filling by meeting friends. A lot of friendship cone and gone, nevertheless I will keep all in my memory no matter what will happened in the future.




昭伟,友善风趣的中国朋友, 认识不久但感觉却象兄弟一样,可惜他在下个月就毕业回国了。



Simon, 老外中最好的朋友,我们常常扭打在一起,说一些别人不懂的暗语。

Uncle Ron, 一位退休的老师,现在活跃于政治。我们在一场讲座认识,只在一起短短的八小时。但是他就象一位慈祥的老者,我就象他的小学生,现在还有电邮来往。

Saturday, June 14

Religion Dialogue...宗教对话

You can have your own religion but also have to respect others believe.

In the UK, I do a lot of conversation with other religion societies. Here, the religion topic is not as sensitive as Malaysia, people can discuss it openly and we all can work together. Before that University Interfaith group has had hold an interfaith dinner. Why the religion can discussed peacefully here but become a sensitive issues in Malaysia?? Actually, religion in Malaysia have been politicized, or many people not understand religion well; Indeed, respecting people is the most basic essential for us to start up any kind of conversation. Good religion can also become a bad thing if without any respectful on people. So before we promo any religion, let us promo respect people in the first place.


朋友:Do you believe or not you're in the God's hand?

我答:Do you believe or not I'm on the ground?

朋友:Ground is belong to God.

我答:But we have to pay money to buy it.


Wednesday, June 11

Shenzhen new Airport...深圳新机场

Shenzhen New Air port

Shenzhen new airport design competition has won by a Rome-based Architect firm, Fuksas Architect. In other word, China will have another mega-project breaking the ground. We can notice that this project presented its great visionary, the design look arrogant,futuristic and iconic. It is the power of architecture, people will willing to pay tremendous money on a iconic building, no matter you like it or not, architecture in China being changing its cityscape. 

10 years later, I believe many city in China will shocking us with their fantastic architecture, for architects, it is a great time to explore their career, for government, it is a good time for them to show off; for the tycoons, it is a good time for them to invest the properties, but for ordinary people it nothing than the good time to 'look' at the great arrogant building. Anyway, building is belong to the owner but architecture is belong to everybody who appreciate it. 

深圳机场设计竞赛中,来自罗马的建筑事务所赢了这项目。换句话说,中国在未来10年又将多一个‘超级建筑’。如今中国各大城市都非常倾向于注目国际,充满理想和野心的建筑设计;当然,这也成为了诸多国际(不如说只来自西方)建筑大师理想的实验场,如Sir Norman Foster的北京机场,Hezog de Meron 的奥运‘鸟巢’ 和Rem Koolhaas的CCTV总部, 都是建筑界里响当当的人物。这是好还是坏呢?

美籍中国著名建筑师贝。律明,(巴黎罗浮宫的设计师)说到:“前卫的建筑设计在中国这样一个发展迅速的国家是非常需要的,这就如七八十年代的日本。但不同是日本出了一位Kenzo Tange但是中国却没有(Kenzo是日本八十年代大师级的建筑师。) 他还说道在中国这样高度学术被监视的国都里,的确很难训练出有创造性,大胆性和前卫的建筑师,而且现代建筑体系在中国也成立不久,还需时间来打好根基。”


Monday, June 9

Tibetan Temple...英国西藏庙

The Stupa

Samye Ling is a monastery is the biggest Tibet Temple in the UK. We took an hour train and another 30mins taxi deep in to country side then only found the place. The place is called Dumfriesshire (I don't know how to pronounce it, it is a native Scott language). 6 of us, 4 Malaysians and 2 Chinese had a nice time here where we did meditation and praying. NO politic, and no hate, and no worry, peace is the only thing here. I think it is more constructive to visit temple and do a good merit rather than promo political among people, no matter the Tibetan or China government.


We did meditation in the main hall

Prayer wheel house


Saturday, June 7

What career?....各国各前途

Fuel hike causing a lot of Malaysian feel uncomfortable in term of the future, especially working class. What kind of career that we should have in Malaysia? Before we have the answer it is better to refer what kind of career that better to do in others countries.

The better career in the UK is to be an employee. Taxes are high here, so gain less pay less; Plus social benefit is fantastic here, with Labour Party Government labour class people gotten a lot of consideration in the country policy. 

The better career in China is to be a government servant. With Communist Party Government a strong power of government control almost every resources in the country. As a servant you definitely will be gotten a lot of advantages form government related business.

In Malaysia?? With Barisan National Government, NOT as an employee, they not keen to help or consider the working class people compare to corporate. NOT as a government servant, a lot of political issues judging you rather than your own ability. So what else?? The best choice just to be an own BOSS by yourself loh........


若你在英国,最好的还是打工。薪水不底,工人受重视,还有亲打工族的工党(Labour Party)执政;虽然这里抽税高,可是福利好,看医生,生孩子不用钱,还有补贴金。上下班准时,失业还有支助金,不做也有钱拿;老板不好还可以去法庭告他,去劳工署投诉,工人肯定赢的。这样的国度打工最好!





Thursday, June 5

Petrol price up...油(又)起价!!

Malaysia current government is a very stupid government, increase petrol price 40%. Do they think about people before they do that?? I know petrol price have to rise anyway because the energy shortage globally, but as a government is not just SIMPLY rose the price and consider settle the problem. NO plan, NO study and NO control at all!!

 If you want to rise the petrol price you need to provide an alternative plan or transportation for people like public transports or walking plan. But see how worst the public transports are? Bus like satin tin, LRT has long line up; walking? takut rompak pula. How the people choose the alternative plan beside pay a high prices on petrol???

After canceling the petrol subsidy, where the money gone to? Do they plan improve the transport system? or paying penalty to the tolled highway's company??Malaysia minayk, nasi, and even electric prices increased, just salary not. Government stupid, stupid and stupid!!!






Monday, June 2

Da Vinci Code...密码之旅

Wow....The Da Vinci Code said this chapel is the place that protect the Holy Grail, is that true? In the end of the movie, Robert Langdon reveals Sophie Neveu as the Jesus's only posterity in the chamber of this church. 

Was the church really hiding the truth of the Christianity? Was the church really give us the crew about Holy Grail? I don't know. But they do have a pillar called "Princess Pillar" which written in Latin said: "Wine is strong, a king is stronger, women are stronger still, but truth conquers all"
Why it said women? Who are they? What they mean the truth conquers all?

一班中国的朋友邀请我去“密码之旅”,《达文西密码》里头其中一个关键的地方,罗斯林教堂。传说这里就是收藏‘圣杯’的地方,也是保存女人在基督教里头重大的秘密。就比如这间教堂里最令人好奇的一句在横梁的拉丁文 :(英译)"Wine is strong, a king is stronger, women are stronger still, but truth conquers all" 为什么是讲女人比较强?为什么说真理征服一切?女人和真理之间又存有什么的关系呢?

我本来想就亲自来这里看看,碰碰运气,看能否找到‘圣杯’,或者有能够在这里发现什么千年大秘密的,可是没成功!来的前一天我还特地把达文西密码再看一篇,学几招再来寻找秘密。哈哈,圣杯就没看到,大酒杯就有(我跟着当地人去做礼拜,有一环节是跪在神父前,然后他给我吃一个饼干,再喝一口葡萄酒,那个酒杯挺大的:p )



The most famous pillar in the church, The Apprentice Pillar. The master killed his student because the student crafted pillar was much more beautiful than him. His student died because of this beautiful pillar (only one among all the pillars)