Wednesday, April 9

spain 6 days trip...Madrid马德里,part II

Of course, everyone visit Madrid MUST SEE the listed attraction spot. I will share with you as bellow places:

1. Window shopping at Gran Via 

The most lively street in the city, 'Gran Via' in Spanish meaning 'Great Road'. This street can show most of the local culture here, like Tapas restaurant, shopping malls, movie theaters, and gift shops; It crowed by people most of the time, sometime you might a group of youth singing together or cheers up for their idol (in front of the movie theaters.) TRAVEL TIP: Please don't buy any souvenir here, especially from the hawkers, the price is much more expensive!!

若以西班牙文来翻译此街就是‘大街’。 这条街可说是融合西班牙人从古到今的生活文化,新旧建筑的交替不停地发生在这1904年策划的大街里。两旁的或新或旧的‘建筑们’如家里的成员,老长辈带着年青的晚辈见证这里发生的大小事,每天看管着来来往往的过客,审查着每个人的心情,寂寞,亢奋。大大小小的歌舞剧场表现出这个民族对艺术的热爱,也可能是要对现实生活的抽离;积满人群的小吃店里表现出人与人之间的依赖,这里任何一个角落都能安抚害怕寂寞的心灵。对我们来说这里只是旅程中的其中一个景点,但对西班牙人来说这里是他们生活中不可分割的一部分。你可以喜欢它,也可以讨厌它,但却不可以不体会它的繁华。

Statue become part of the building, part of the the street, part of their life 
The local most iconic 'pub', don't miss it when you travel here. Have to try the typical Spanish's life here, you will find something amazing. 

2. Palacio Real

The words mean Royal Palace of Madrid, official residence of the King of Spain. It considered as a the largest royal palace in western Europe, it consists 2,800 rooms. If you really like the grand architecture or royal history, here is the great place for you to visit. Properly you have to spend over 2 hours here. 

3.Plaza Mayor
Plaza Mayor is the most famous square in Madrid, it surrounded by red, browned building. People sit on the floor, performers sing and dance at the centre, and restaurants built to enclose the square. We had our lunch in the plaza and we have an enjoyment  two and half hours here. 

Plaza Major 是马德里最出名的广场,广场四周被古典风味的建筑物包围着,里面就像是一个大礼堂,只是没有盖顶的大礼堂。我们在这里用了我们的午餐,悠悠地坐在充满音乐,文艺广场中,欣赏着西班牙的传统美酒,无不是一间人生大乐事。但当我注意到演艺者里头有位老伯伯冒着热热的太阳,载歌载舞地表演着,演完一首又一首的歌曲,然后再向观众讨钱;面对这样的演艺者我们应该用如何的心情去看待他们呢?若在柬埔寨我们可怜那些在旅游区逗卖首饰品的小孩们,那在西班牙广场卖艺的老人家们呢?最后我决定给了他几角钱然后要求与他拍照,他灿烂的笑容就因此纪录在我的部格落里了。




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i lik the streets... sumting 10 m wide pedestrian walkway wif lotz of activities... tatz reali sumting interesting.. :)