Tuesday, April 15

China or Western?...左右为难

Today I went to international student gathering in Edinburgh 'old,old' library. There I met up some China students and the hottest issues that interests both of us sure the Tibetan issue la.

Unsurprisingly China people support their government to gain a 'proper' solution on the crackdown, I admit that China have to stand strong to against the incident before it spread uncontrollably. However, I am not agree China government disclaims the incident was plotted by Dalai Lama (without any evidence) and not allows any  international media get in to China to do a report. In other hand, I not agree western people just using their own perspective (human right) and culture value apply on China, it create a lot of misunderstanding and the important thing is not fair to China government and people. China has her own value and culture to be considered, but Western people have never tried to understand what the value is. 

And now, I'm facing a problem: China people say I support Western more than China, especially support Dalai Lama; In the other hand, my Western friend say I more like China man who support the China government taken action on Tibet.  OMG,  as my principle I know this is a politic, what I try to do is to understand both culture, value and perspective, I'm not bias or overweight any party, I am high educated person, my view won't be controlled by any single source, I always try to critic issue with macro-perspective; I am not western or eastern, I support the fact and the truth whatever contribute peace and love among people, this is my only principle. 


1。西方人不因该用西方人的价值观去看中国,不可一味地喊自己的人权;若爱 西藏要先去了解西藏人的文化和价值观,去探讨西藏人究竟真的要如西方人似的争取独立吗?如果连西藏人的文化信仰都不了解,如何协助他们?若说中国破坏了西藏着块圣地,那么西方价值观就污染了西藏人的心灵。


3。不可一概而论,不是全部西藏人都搞破坏,不是所有中国人都保守,也不是所有西方人都重‘人权’ (美国打伊拉克是人权?)。所以有时要保持一定的理智,而不是噌恨,噌狠解决不了问题,智慧才能解决问题,才能看到问题所在。没有事情是十全十美的。


就这样西方人说我亲中国,中国人说我亲达赖喇嘛,左右为难!我不亲谁,我这样的小角色其实对整个局势也起不了作用。我最亲的是马来西亚 :p 因为马来西亚是多元种族共存的国家,是一个爱好和平的小小国家,哈哈。。。马来西亚,能!


Axxu said...

dan dan

Anonymous said...

strange, where is my comments?

Anonymous said...

haha, I am kinda in the same situation.

I am an active forumer in a China forum. I can see that quite a number of the Chinese ppl inside the forum is starting to get "hot" on this issue, especially on the campaign to boycott Carrefour(France).

I recommend this read (in chinese)