Tuesday, October 7

Last year today...去年今天

Last year today, I was still struggling with the new UK's life. I just reviewed back my life last year today and it how the results are:-

Last year: Don't know how to cook, everyday just ate awful foods, or eat eggs everyday. Some more I have had the same menu everyday.
Todays: I am considered as good cooker, know how to cook rice, noodles, and vegetables. Indeed the big change is I eat outside more frequently now :p  Anyway, I have more good foods todays.

Last year: Life was boring, especially during weekend, do nothing and just stayed in the room looking on four walls, can sleep as long as I like.
Todays: Busy everyday, got studio works, president of Buddhist Society, part time jobs, meeting with friends, house works......cannot sleep long even I like to =.=

Last year: Save money, don't dare to spend any single penny if not necessary, will convert the pond (x 6 times ) in Ringgit Malaysia. I can remember all the prices in super market and spending time in shopping market just to get a cheaper foods.
Todays: Hihi.....I forgotten every single price in TESCO already, just buy whatever thing I like (no time to think too much)

Last year: Most of the times, I dun understand what the people here talking about, and similarly Amo dunno what I taking about, I always looked silly.
Todays: Hihi....can make joke with amo, some more I using English to teach Amo buddhism and do public speaking when represent society in certain meeting.

Emmm.....still got a lot of others changes, but no time to describe one by one lah. Ops!!! another biggest change today is more lazy to write blog: 

Last year: every 2/3 days a post
Today: 5 to 2 weeks per post =.=

Sorry, sorry....if you want some more about my changing you can click on my older post in 2007, cheers!

一年的时间,生活究竟可以有什么改变呢?而自己在这个异国也一年了,现在又开始向另外一年迈进。看回以前刚来到的时候,生活的糟糕真的惨不忍睹:不会煮只会吃,不会赚钱只会花,不会讲话只会听,没有朋友只有MSN和facebook, 没有事情做只有睡觉。。。还好,一步一步地熬了过来,慢慢地建立起自己丰富的生活。有人说看到自己的成长是最愉快的,但是过程不一定美好的;一年的阅历让自己成长不少,见识过许多的人事物,也面对过不少的困难,当然也拥有许多美好的回忆。一年的价值原来是那么神奇,只要你踏出第一步去创造生活。凡走过必留下痕迹,不管生活过程是那么的困难单调,或是精彩连连,都有值得我们回味的地方。


- yEng - said...



peipei said...


Anonymous said...

First, to congratulate you! No Pain No Gain; No Change No Progress. You broke your comfort zone and now you are wiser and mature than you are...

Axxu said...
