Thursday, October 30

Busy week...生活紧凑

My model on presentation

Last week was considered the busiest week in the UK here, has presentation every 3 days, have to submit report every 2 days. During weekend I have to work part time as well, plus I have to do the Buddhist Society's preparation. Some more house work, buying food, social gathering, and eating......all this activities has already fill up my leisure time. 

However, I try to stay cool in my busy life. I train myself wake up at 530am in the morning and go to studio at 630am. Everyday, I will take an hour to have my lovely breakfast and reading news paper regularly. Normally, I will take an hours break for my lunch, and go back home to have my dinner at 7pm. At night I go to bed at 1130pm. And I won't do any studio work at home, but I will do other things like buddhist soc or sometime have a movie :p

Actually, I think 'busy' until no time is just a concept in our life. What we need is not an extra time but a proper time management. Fair to say, I keep changing my time to suit to different condition, so my sleeping time and wake up time might be very different during different period.

最近生活非常紧凑,每三天一个Presentation, 每两天要交一份report,加上又要打工,又要搞佛学会,减除生活作息,生活中并没有太多空余的时间。可能人长大了,我开始懂得如何面对生活的忙碌。记得以前师父说:人忙心不忙。现在我慢慢体会到,只要保持心中的安稳,再忙碌的生活也可以坦然面对,脚踏实地一步一步的走下去。不否认,有时的确会非常多东西要处理,但是当你仔细去想想,再安排一下时间,你会觉得‘很’多事情,其实算起来也不过是几样事情而已;再用心一点,你会觉得事情并不会像想象中复杂难搞;再专心一点,你会觉得事情不止是做‘完’,而且可以做的很‘好’。


我很欣赏苹果电脑老板Steve Job的生活态度,每天起来告诉自己今天可能是生命的最后一天,所以要努力生活,不给生命留下遗憾,这才是佛教徒的生活态度。

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