Tuesday, March 4

Job in the UK...英国找工

My girl friend was started to find a job today. We print out the CV and then went out shop by shop to look up the shops that have vacancy, just leave out the CV to them and wait for the response at home. As a person from other country, especially Asian Chinese,  there do have few type of jobs that easily to get here: 
1. Chinese shops such like restaurant, mini market, or take away job, it is so typical.
2. Amo's shops like farm jobs, waiter, sale person, or cashier. (if you have working permit)

In fact, it is not difficult to get a job here,but if you really wanna to work Amo's 'easy' job,mostly the problem was the language difficulties. If you ask a job in the Amo's shop, they really concern about your English speaking and listening skill, it is not the English that we use to in Malaysia but the local accent. No doubt that, you need some time and work hard to use to it, it is really not that easy to speak their 'English'. That is why many Chinese who been working in China town for long time here can't even speak a basic English, and it is very normal indeed. It is so true that if you can't speak their own slang you will feel difficult to find a 'better' job. May be you are lucky and you might get one, but please don't think that you surely can improve your English if just working here in Chinese shop.






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