Saturday, May 2

令我最感动的歌...The most wonderful song in my life

The song really taken me a lot of tears even though I re-watch it again and again. She, among one of the 'very' normal ladies in our earth, among a very simple woman that could be found every way in our world. She as simple as you and me, or even nothing wrong to say more simpler than us. But, you has a dream and she sang it out to the world, she is 47 years old but she has tasted her dream today. Amazing encouragement to me, it is a awake call to all of us: Not matter how normal you are, don't give up to make a dream and make it true!

她没有蔡依林的脸孔,没有S.H.E那么可爱, 但是她的歌是我人生中听过最感动的歌。她只是一个英国乡下的大婶,乡村可能就是她活了四十多年的地方,一个普通再也不能普通的aunty。47岁的她还说要成为一个专业歌手。试想想,一个没有身材样貌,读书又不多又接近五十岁的乡村大婶向你说她要成为专业歌手,唱歌给全世界的人听,你会打从心里笑她吗?我想许多人都会笑她不自量力。

她,Susan Boyle, 一个普通单纯来之苏格兰乡下的aunty,样子还有一点sorry的她唱出了震撼我心的歌曲。她给了我希望,给了我最很大的鼓励:管你多么的普通,也别放弃你的梦想。 世界上没有比实现自己的梦想来的更开心的事情。


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gRace said...
