Tuesday, November 18

What i have been doing now!?为人父母者

What i been doing those days? i have no word to say, just busy on studio design stuff! Recently, my programme is designing the construction detail of the marriage complex. The complex seem like my little baby, I am its designer, I have to think every single column and beam to build it up, it just like a mother have to think all the method to grow her baby, she has to think every single meal, milk, wearing and so on everyday. 

As a designer, I have to think how to solve all those building problem: how the ramp connect to second floor...how the best way to construct the wall? how the best way to respond the climate.....It just like mother have to think to solve all her children's problem: how to make her children happy and safety? and what the best way to give them education? What is the best way to teach them adapt in the society.

As a designer, I have to plan everything for the building: who will going to use them, how to use? what programme inside? how long to be used.......Just like mothers: she planning everything for the good of us: how much money needed for education? Which primary school to go? Learn piano or go to swimming? So much things have to concern.

So now you will know better what is architect doing right? Why does architect always say they are busy? It is because we act like mother, just like her job: 24 hours, 7 days. Caring and concerning is a non-break job. Maybe sometimes you will tired on it or may be sometime you will angry on your job, but still you can't ignore your baby, no matter how he look like.

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